Frankenstorm - 1249638

I know this site is for "C", just wanted to let all my friends here that will be effected by Sandy to be safe and stay dry! My sister in law who lives in Brick town (jersey shore) is evacuating now and no school for 2 days so far.
God Bless
Sleepless in Jersey



Yes. I hope everyone is safe. Please be very careful in flooding areas. It is so dangerous.

double trouble
Posts: 573

Having been a Floridian for about 95% of my life, and living on various coastlines, I can say these storms are not to be underestimated. Having been completely wiped out by a hurricane at the age of 6, I've never been much of a collector of "stuff." I learned early on it's the people and the experiences that matter most. Stay safe and be careful. And if they tell you to go... GO!

Much love,

Dr West
Posts: 4735

We'll be thinking of our East Coast friends. Please check back in as you can... If for nothing else, just to reassure us that you're doing OK.

-Dr. West

Posts: 12

Yes, I am also form Jersey (northern) and we are all prepared. I have my own home with flashlights, generator, food, water, all for my loving husband. I am at my parents' house with the same. My friends also evacuated down the shore and I do not have work tomorrow. We are going for my mom's last wbr session, hopefully, in the a.m. I really hope they do not cancel so we can get it over with. I have food to cook tomorrow and I am just hoping that this is not going to be as bad as they say it is going to be (just in case I brought a bottle of wine.) Hoping everyone stays safe and dry.

Posts: 161

Operations Director, GRACE


I hope everyone has fared ok... the pictures are amazing on the news, etc. and friends through facebook posting their own videos and pictures. Good that it is behind us, and the rebuilding can begin.

Operations Director for GRACE. Have worked with since July 2009.  Became involved as a caregiver to my best friend, and quickly came to see that GRACE is filling a need in the area of cancer education.