Growing metastasis next to a venous angioma - 1258643


My mom was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma one year ago, and has recently found out that a growing brain metastasis is up against a venous angioma. I understand that generally a venous angioma is inoperable due to stroke risk and bleeding. This same tumor was radiated with cyberknife last spring, and after the following MRI, we were told that the tumor was hollow in the middle and stable. Now it is growing again. Are there treatment options for the tumor, since surgery is not recommended because of the angioma?



paigerd, I'm very sorry your mom has these complications. I'm not sure if we will be able to answer such a question. I'll ask our radiation oncologist to comment. Though we don't have a neurosurgeon on faculty here.

I hope there is treatment to stop the metastasis.
All best,

Dr West
Posts: 4735

Yes, if there's anyone who can comment, it would be our radiation oncologist, but this is a little far outside of what we can really offer any expertise in discussing.

I'm sorry we probably can't offer much insight here, given how specialized your question is.

Good luck.

-Dr. West

dr loiselle
Posts: 37

Hi paigerd -

Treating and retreating adjacent to a venous abnormality with radiation is generally OK.

The challenge is figuring out whether the area of concern is indeed progressive cancer or scarring from the prior radiation treatment (known as radionecrosis).

Dr Loiselle