Interesting BMC Cancer article "Fool's Gold...and the randomized clinical trial" - 1256225


Hello friends. Probably the docs have seen this (it doesn't particularly need a response), but I thought it was very interesting statistical analysis in light of all the discussions on the difficulties and imperfections inherent in the clinical trial system. The obvious problem is how to figure out greater specificity at the onset; it doesn't seem there's a clear answer but I thought it might interest some.


Dr West
Posts: 4735

This is a very interesting, well-written article that makes some of the same points I made with Dr. Camidge in a commentary piece we did a year ago called, "Have Mutation, Will Travel", which discussed the challenges of an obsolete clinical trials system in a new world of molecular oncology. Dr. Stewart is someone I have long admired for his thoughtful approach to some very thorny questions, and here again he tackles these issues with detailed arguments that propose a very different way of conducting clinical research. I think it's very helpful, and I hope it stimulates a lot of further discussion on this subject, and ideally some changes.

Thanks for highlighting it here.

-Dr. West