Looking for clinical trials for afatinib(tomtovok) in US. - 1254719


my Mom has been diagnosed with lung cancer stage 4...She doesnt have any insurance...Afatinib is a new drug in Europe(my mom and I are from East Europe) that fights lung cancer...Any clinical trials in US that we could participate? Thanks


Posts: 2753


I'm sorry to hear of your Mom's diagnosis. You can find clinical trials in the U.S. by searching at clinicaltrials.gov for "afatinib AND lung cancer"

I hope you find something helpful there. And please continue to ask whatever questions you have that come up.

Forum moderator

certain spring
Posts: 762

Hallo savina. I'm sorry about your mother.
It would be useful to know which country you live in. And is there any particular reason why you want your mother to have afatinib? If you are in Europe, there are other drugs available that can work well for stage IV. (I am stage IV and in the UK.) Best wishes.