Lung Cancer Treatment SCLC-NSCLC - 1249856



We have a lung cancer patient SCLC and NSCLC (age 56) with small brain mets. In last 8 months, he took 24 rounds of chemotherapy and 10 rounds of radiotheraphy(for brain). The drugs are carboplatin+etoposide+holoxan+paclitaxel. I see many patients in our hospital that they saw %70 reduction in tumor weight in 4-5 months.(all stg IV). However, we just saw %30-%40 reduction in last 8 moths.

Why is our reduction rate so low comparing the other patients in the same hospital?

Thank you.



Hello Alkodet,

In any group of people on a particular chemo treatment there will be some who respond very well and those who do not respond with most people somewhere in between. It is very individual. I'm sorry the person you are speaking about didn't have a big a response as you'd hoped. It is possible though that the benefits of stopping and even shrinking the tumors will last as long.
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Dr West
Posts: 4735

I really agree completely with Janine -- we expect to see a range of responses to different chemo regimens, some less striking than others. The biology of the individual cancer has a great deal of influence on the response even when the same chemotherapy is given to different people.

-Dr. West