New to EGFR. Can family members be tested? - 1256855


Mom has EGFR mutation. Can we be tested? New to this and haven't seen whether this is a gene mutation that we could or should be tested for.


Posts: 2753

Hi daisy,

Some patients have been identified as having an inherited T790M mutation (which makes cancer cells resistant to EGFR TKI treatment, but it's still considered unusual. As Dr. West said:

"I have heard that there are a few people identified out there in the world who share your situation. I don’t think we have a good sense just yet how uncommon to rare or extremely rare it really is. I hope to learn more over time." - (A good discussion follows in the rest of that thread).

So at this point it's not clear whether there would be any value in having family members tested, especially if a T790M mutation was not detected in your mother's cells.

You can also take a look at this link:

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