Operations Director, GRACE

Hi All -
I was approached by a WhatNext Group partnered with Rare Patient Voice, with the opportunity to participate in a study specifically for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer patients and caregivers. I am neither at this time (though I was in the past), and so declined their offer. I did, however, tell them I would pass on the information to our community through the forums. If you are interested in participating, please sign up with WhatNext (www.whatnext.com), or email Ingrid Kaugars at ingrid@whatnext.com. The study, if it is a fit for you, offers $125.00 for what they say is a 75-minute process. You must contact them for an individual unique link. :)
Below are some of the details, to help you decide if you want to participate.
Thanks for being a member of WhatNext, partnered with Rare Patient Voice. We have an opportunity for you to take part in a Cancer study. It is for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Our project number is ZS_2592.Study Details:
- Looking for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer patients and caregivers
- Webcam interview
- 75 minutes
- $125 reward
Things to Note:
- Patient and/or caregiver study
- Unique links, please do not pass along for 2nd use
- Want to share this opportunity? Let us know and we can provide a new link
- Please use a laptop/computer ONLY. No smartphones or tablets - Preliminary questions are Mobile Friendly!
- Save this email to reference if you have any questions about the study!
Just sharing, I think avenues to get the patients heard are excellent - so if this is any help, I am happy to share it.