Pertuzumab for stage III breast cancer - 1250667


I was originally diagnosed in Dec 2010 at age 29 with (approximately) stage III breast cancer. I was treated with adjunctive chemotherapy, mastectomy, radiation and 1 year of herceptin which I finished in March 2012.

In June 2012 I had a recurrence in the lymph nodes in my neck. This recurrence responded very well to chemotherapy (a recent ct scan finds no cancer) and my oncologist is recommending I stay on Herceptin indefinitely as well as starting Pertuzumab. Although I am not technically considered metastatic my oncologist feels that without this treatment of Herceptin and Pertuzumab I am likely to become metastatic and with the treatment there is a decent chance of the cancer not returning again.

I am wondering if there is any information or studies on non-metastatic patients receiving Pertuzumab?

I am aware that Pertuzumab would not be covered financially for me but this is not a concern.



Hello Carissa, you're so young to have these issues, I'm sorry.

I'll ask a breast cancer specialist to comment on your questions.

In the meantime let me point you to our "Focused Cancer Info" library with a breast cancer subset. It can be found at the top of the page.

All the best,

dr cianfrocca
Posts: 49

Unfortunately there are no data that directly address your specific situation. Most oncologists would favor you taking herceptin for at least a year. If you remain disease free at that time and are not having any problems from the herceptin, many oncologists would favor you continuing it but the optimal length of time in a patient with recurrent disease who remains disease free is unknown. Whether pertuzumab adds to your chance of cure in this situation is also unknown. There are ongoing studies of adjuvant pertuzumab.
All the best
Dr Cianfrocca