SCLC - New treatment option - 1270382


My Father-in-Law (52 years male, India, Smoker, otherwise healthy) was diagnosed with Extensive stage Small Cell Lung Cancer a few weeks back and has been put on a Chemotherapy treatment using Carboplatin and Etoposide. He is due for his second chemotherapy cycle next week. I read a couple of articles on your website from ASCO event (authored by Dr. Nate Pennell) which talks of some new research in this area. I would like to understand if any of the new researches is approved or can be administered in patients with SCLC. Any help of this will be highly appreciated.



Welcome to Grace. I'm very sorry your father in law is facing such a disease and hope he does well. Unfortunately these drugs haven't been approved and are still under investigation. Entering a trial may be possible for your father in law though. His oncologist may be able to help him find a trial or you can look here. From the website there don't seem to be any trails ongoing in India but if travel is an option the drugs and much of the care is paid for.

I'm sorry there isn't better information. I wish there was.

All best,