swollen fingers and discolored hands - 1251550


My mom who is stage IV is now trying Taxotere. This is her 6th drug, she was diagnosed 5 1/2 years ago at stage IV . She just had her third treatment of it,and is having a week off. Her fingers have begun to swell and her hands look discolored in spots, kind of dark red/purplish. She said they feel very stiff like it is hard to grab things. Her doc wasnt sure why and said to just watch. We were curious if you have heard of this and if it was possibly a taxotere side effect or sign of cancer worsening? Her tumors are currently in both lungs, as well as mediastatnum, dome of liver,spleen and abdomen. We are pretty concerned. Thanks.


Dr West
Posts: 4735

It sounds like she's had a remarkable course, now over 5 years out, so that's wonderful to hear.

I wouldn't say it's an expected side effect of Taxotere or something I'd expect from the cancer. Why dusky red or purplish limbs make us worry about a blood clot, you wouldn't expect that to be on both sides at the same time. An ultrasound study could clarify whether the circulation is OK. It's possible it could be a very severe version of some of the changes to skin/fingers that can happen with Taxotere, but definitely not something you'd expect to see.

Good luck.

-Dr. West