Tarceva after Surgery?? - NSCLC EGFR Exon deletion 19 Stage IIIB - 1265351


Hi Dr. West and everyone:
OCTOBER 2013: brother (male,37/never smoker) Diagnosis: Stage IIIB NSCLC, EGFR Exon 19. Adenocarcinoma , Tumor 8cm x7cm x 8cm of the Upper Lobe Right Lung. NOT MET.
1.-Chemo: Carbo/Gemcitabine 6 cycles (started Oct.2013 –Completed Feb.2014)
2.-Radiotherapy just 13 sessions (started Nov.2013 – stopped by severe actinic esophagitis and adverse effects)
3.-Targeted Therapy: Tarceva 150mg (started Dec. 5th, 2013 until April 5th,2014)
75% tumor shrinkage, PET Scan: No Metastases.
4.-Surgery on April 7th, 2014 Report: encapsulated tumor. Pathology Report: Lymph nodes no involved, no pleural involvement, clear surgical borders, lymphovascular involvement (no evidence)
5.-Adjuvant Chemo after surgery with Pemetrexed, 4 cycles. (started May 2014- completed July 2014)
Resumed Tarceva 150 for 1 month ( April to May)after Surgery and removed it(in hold?)by cross-reaction side effects with Pemetrexed.
August 2014 CT Scan: No tumor evidence; Not MET. Dx: mild right pleural effusion and mild right lung collapse and insignificant pericardial effusion. Now receiving treatment by Pulmonologist (respiratory therapy and antibiotics).
Question: Doctors want to continue with Tarceva 150 by at least 1 year.???? What do you think?


Dr West
Posts: 4735

I think there is no answer to your question and no good data to answer it. Unfortunately, all we can speak to is the evidence, and there is a good premise, but all we know is that in molecularly unselected patients (most of whom didn't have an EGFR mutation), giving EGFR inhibitor therapy after chemo and radiaiton is not associated with a beneficial effect, and it seems to be detrimenal (based on the SWOG 0023 trial described alsewhere on the website). I wouldn't presume that this applies to patients with an EGFR mutation, but we don't have any evidence at this time that giving EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy to patients with stage IIIB disease do better with EGFR TKI therapy.

Nobody has ever been treated in the exact same way as your brother, so the best answer is that we simply don't know the best treatment and whether people should receive an EGFR TKI for EGFR mutation-poisitive stage III NSCLC.

Good luck.

Dr. West

Posts: 194

I agree with Dr West. The chances of recurrence for Stage IIIB lung cancer are still fairly high, even when treated with the triplet of chemotherapy / radiation/ surgery you describe. The problem is, that we don't think that Tarceva "cures" anyone, it may simply delay the time to tumor regrowth. Most also have some side effects from it. So it seems reasonable in this situation to postpone restarting the Tarceva, and resume it if there is any evidence of recurrence. You never know, he may never need it again.

Other the other hand, I think the one year of Tarceva also seems quite reasonable as well, albeit without solid evidence, especially if he is tolerating it well. Good luck!

Posts: 3

Thank you Dr. West and Dr. Creelan for your replies.
Really I did read link you provided and I understood it so much.
Also, I searched a little deeper in past posts regarding to my question and I was reading and analyzing previous posts/ replies and I feel more educated to provide my family with the right questions when he will see his oncologist.
I do appreciate so much your responses. Thanks.
I will keep you updated on my brother case evolution.
God bless you !!!