triatment after resistance to Afatinib - 1266091


My husband has a positive adenocarcinoma with EGFR at the fourth stage and was treated with afatinib from May 9, 2014. Unfortunately presented acquired resistance, for which a biopsy was done to verify the presence of T790M, but the result was negative.
Now he has started chemotherapy with CARBONPLATINO and ALIMTA, a cycle every three weeks.
I would like to know if there are therapies to his case and the judgment of dr. West of mRNA vaccine CV9202 is in phase I trials for the treatment of lung cancer.
Thank you very much. I apologize for the bad English

Maria Teresa


Dr West
Posts: 4735

You can find a very large amount of information about acquired resistance and the various options from just typing "acquired resistance" into the search box. There are two agents in larger clinical trials -- AZD9291 and CO-1686 -- that have shown very good activity in the 50-60% of patients with acquired resistance who have a T790M mutation in their tumor after acquired resistance sets in. This mutation is tested for by doing a repeat biopsy of an area of the cancer that is progressing. Otherwise, chemotherapy can also be effective, and the combination your husband is receiving is a very fine choice.

The vaccine you mention is in very early trials, which means that there is essentially no information at all to guide any expectations of whether it might be effective or not.

Good luck.

-Dr. West