ASSISTANT PROFESSOR | Medicine, Hematology and Medical Oncology Cancer (Oncology), Hematology-Oncology, The Mount Sinai Hospital
The Lymphoma Immunotherapy Program at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the Brody Lab focus on basic and applied tumor immunology (particularly in lymphoma, melanoma, and ovarian adenocarcinoma). Dr. Brody's other areas of interest include: bioinformatic-based collaborations tracking T-cell responses using high-throughput sequencing of the entire TCRbV repertoire and studies of small-molecule inhibitors of lymphocyte signal transduction, e.g. PI3K, mTOR, btk. The lab has the rare opportunity to both perform correlative studies on primary patient tumor samples from early phase clinical trials and to continually develop advancements in those trials based on what is learned. The core mission is the translation of basic science in tumor immunology into novel clinical trials and development of correlative science associated with those trials to gain a greater understanding of mechanistic-clinical correlates.
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Hi there --
I am Denise Brock - the Operations Director for GRACE, the Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education. I began working with Jack West in 2009, 1 year after my best friend was
There is not a ton of info available for Cholangiocarcinoma, so seeing information come up with new developments is always exciting. In this video, Rachna Shroff MD, chief of Gastrointestinal Medical
Hi all -- share your cancer journey here and connect with others. Cancer.gov has a good general description of Cholangiocarcinoma. This rare disease has support information and programs that can be
Keep your eye out for new Head and Neck information soon!
Hi Stan! It is good to hear from you -- I am so very happy you are doing well. I agree with Janine
Stan - Thank you once again for your kind words. Thank you as well for your donation. As you know
I had a very wonderful conversation with a fantastic person, Tom Murphy, after he had started Barb's
Janine -- I know how my world felt, but how is your world different? - thankfully your husband is
Thank you Janine for mentioning the program! I wanted to make the point that this program offers a