Taofeek Owonikoko, MD, PhD, MSCR, GRACE Faculty

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Taofeek Owonikoko, MD, PhD
Emory Winship Cancer Institute
Hematology, Medical Oncology including
Head and Neck Cancer
Esophageal Cancer
Lung Cancer
Thyroid Cancer
Phase I Clinical Trials Unit

Taofeek Owonikoko, MD, PhD, MSCR, is a Professor in the Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology at Emory University School of Medicine. A board-certified medical oncologist, Dr. Owonikoko specializes in the treatment of lung cancer, thyroid cancer and other cancers of the aerodigestive tract. He serves as Chair of the Lung and Aerodigestive Malignancies Working Group as well as Associate Director of the Hematology and Medical Oncology Fellowship Program in the Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology. Dr. Owonikoko is Co-Chair of the Head and Neck Working Group for the Radiation Research Program in the NCI/CTEP Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis.


Dr. Owonikoko completed his primary medical training at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife Nigeria in 1991. He was a resident physician in Anatomic Pathology at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria from 1995 to 1998. He later proceeded to Dusseldorf, Germany for further training in Anatomic Pathology at the Heinrich Heine University from 1998-2000 on an international training grant award from the prestigious German Academic Exchange Program. He received a PhD degree in Anatomic Pathology from the Heinrich Heine University in 2001 after which he proceeded to the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore for postdoctoral training in molecular imaging.


Dr. Owonikoko's research interest is majorly in lung and thyroid cancer. He is particularly focused on the identification and clinical development of biomarkers and new treatment approaches to improve the standard of care for lung and thyroid cancer patients. Dr. Owonikoko's full bio can be seen here: https://winshipcancer.emory.edu/bios/faculty/owonikoko-taofeek.html.

Conflict of Interest


For this new addition to the GRACE Lung Cancer Video Library, Dr. Taofeek Owonikoko joins GRACE to discuss current updates in small cell lung cancer.

In this video, Dr. Owonikoko discusses updated information on treatment options for relapsed sclc.


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Forum Discussions

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Join us now at https://us02web.zoom.us/s/82170808361

the Q&A begins 11:25 ET!

Last Activity: Sat, 08/12/2023 - 07:47
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Hi there -- 


I am Denise Brock - the Operations Director for GRACE, the Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education.  I began working with Jack West in 2009, 1 year after my best friend was

Last Activity: Tue, 07/18/2023 - 14:24
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There is not a ton of info available for Cholangiocarcinoma, so seeing information come up with new developments is always exciting.  In this video, Rachna Shroff MD, chief of Gastrointestinal Medical

Last Activity: Thu, 10/13/2022 - 17:04
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Hi all -- share your cancer journey here and connect with others.  Cancer.gov has a good general description of Cholangiocarcinoma.  This rare disease has support information and programs that can be

Last Activity: Mon, 02/21/2022 - 11:15
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Keep your eye out for new Head and Neck information soon! 

Last Activity: Sat, 02/05/2022 - 12:12


Post Date:
Original Post: Two Years After....

Stan - Thank you once again for your kind words.  Thank you as well for your donation.  As you know

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Original Post: Jim's caregiver story

I had a very wonderful conversation with a fantastic person, Tom Murphy, after he had started Barb's

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Original Post: Denise's Story

Janine -- I know how my world felt, but how is your world different?  - thankfully your husband is

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Thank you Janine for mentioning the program!  I wanted to make the point that this program offers a

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Original Post: Denise's Story
me and melissa

So Melissa and I met through our husbands -- college friends. We clicked immediately -- my sister