Lung Cancer Video Library - Controlling Brain Metastases in Patients with Molecular Driven Advanced NSCLC
Dr. Alice Shaw joined GRACE to discuss controlling brain metastases in patients with molecular driven advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
Dr. Alice Shaw joined GRACE to discuss controlling brain metastases in patients with molecular driven advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
Hi my mom is 76 and was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that metastasized to the brain at the end of December (about 7 weeks ago). She also has A-Fib which was being treated with Eloquis.
New and first time post. Wife diagnosed nsclc 7/2012 stage 4 ALK mutation. Now 57 never smoker and active exerciser. Full 6 treatments carbo/alimta and 1plus year alimta maintenance. Crizotinib about a year forced to ceritinib due to more than 25 brain mets and balnce issues. also at same time, whole brain radiation in 10/2015 mistake??? Brain mets size reduced and stable as of 6/2016. Was it radiation or ceritinib?? Bone mets in shoulder 2/2016 and palliative rad.
Dr. Ross Camidge, University of Colorado, describes ROS-1 rearrangements and compares them to ALK rearrangements in frequency of occurrence and response to treatment.
Dr. Nasser Hanna, Indiana University Health, addresses the issue of prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) in locally advanced NSCLC.
Dr. Gerard Silvestri, Medical University of South Carolina, describes some of the typical presenting symptoms of lung cancer.
Dr. Nathan Pennell, Cleveland Clinic, discusses acquired resistance to Xalkori in ALK-positive patients, and second generation inhibitors designed to overcome that resistance, such as Zykadia and alectinib.
Drs. Leora Horn, Ben Solomon, & Jack West review whether there are specific factors that should make one second generation ALK inhibitor more ideal than other competing options for a specific patient with an ALK rearrangement.
Drs. Ben Solomon, Leora Horn, & Jack West evaluate the evidence and consider whether there are clinically significant differences among the second generation ALK inhibitors that would lead to a reason to prefer one over another for a particular patient.
Dr. Ross Camidge talks about a clinical trial that will test to see if the drug tesevatinib will work to kill cancer that has progressed in the brains of EGFR-mutant lung cancer patients. The trial is scheduled to begin in late 2015 or early 2016.
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