Limited Resections for Very Small NSCLC Tumors and BAC


While lobectomy or pneumonectomy may be the surgical treatment of choice for most NSCLC tumors in younger, fit patients, a limited resection may be an ideal choice in certain settings. In my previous post I discussed the data supporting a limited resection in older patients, who are likely to have competing health risks that may make it less critical to pursue the most aggressive surgical strategy. Another situation in which a sub-lobar resection may be particularly appealing is when the tumor is quite small and/or has characteristics suggestive of an indolent natural history.

Lobectomy vs. Limited Resection: Different Approach Based on Age?


While the prevailing standard of care for resectable lung cancer is a lobectomy or pneumonectomy, we want the surgery to be as appropriate as possible for patients. That means not short-changing patients by doing a lesser surgery than they need to do as well as possible with the cancer, but also not overtreating patients with a more aggressive surgery than they need. There are two main variables that potentially alter the equation and may make a sublobar resection a more appropriate consideration.

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