Selection of Patients by EGFR Mutations: A Powerful Predictor, but How Much Does it Really Add?


Another lung cancer trial that received a good deal of attention at the recent European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) conference in Stockholm this past week was conducted by the Spanish Lung Cancer Group and led by Dr. Rafael Rosell, who is chief of medical oncology at Catalan Institute of Oncology in Barcelona and one of the true international greats in the field who has made important contributions for a couple of decades now.

Arguing Against Molecular Testing for EGFR in NSCLC


So I’ve been invited to be on the faculty of a lung cancer conference in Kauai next month (yes, a good gig, but this is the first year that the flights are so expensive that I can’t bring my family to this normally very family-friendly event), and my topic is to argue in a debate about whether molecular testing for EGFR should be routinely used in clinical practice.

Biomarkers Predicting Clinical Benefits for BAC Patients Receiving Tarceva


Continuing with the analysis of a publication about tarceva (erlotinib) for patients with advanced BAC that I introduced in the last post, we'll turn now to the analysis that Dr. Vince Miller and colleagues did on the biomarkers that might predict more or less clinical benefit with an EGFR inhibitor like tarceva (abstract here).

Tarceva vs. Standard Chemo Compared for Marginal Performance Status Patients, by Dr Laskin


One of the issues we struggle the most with, as oncologists, patients, and families, is how to choose a therapy that won’t make someone feel worse. There are so many things to factor into these decisions: what is the baseline function of the person, what comorbidities (other chronic illnesses) might interact or interfere, what side effects are acceptable or worth the risk, to what degree is the cancer interfering with their functioning and can this be reversed with chemo, and of course what does any individual patient want and expect from chemo?

Racial Differences in Response to EGFR Inhibitors


The issue of population-based differences in response to lung cancer treatments was essentially introduced with the EGFR inhibitors, so it’s appropriate to introduce racial differences overall with this work. Mention of more favorable results with EGFR inhibitors iressa and tarceva emerged with the earliest clinical studies and have since become a well established truism. Let’s explore what we know now and how we got here.

Intro to Pharmacogenomics: Trying to Understand Differences in Treatment Outcomes


Infused throughout the website is a constant recognition that "patients are different", but while we know this intuitively, we're really not moved to a point of individualizing treatment on the basis of this. There are many lines of clinical research that are moving in that direction, and one of the key elements is pharmacogenomics, the study of the genetic underpinnings of the differences among people in response to a medication, both in terms of response and side effects.

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