Positive trial for Abraxane in NSCLC: Follow-up From ASCO


Three months ago, I discussed the press release from Abraxis reporting that the phase III trial of carbo/Abraxane (nanoparticle albumin-bound paclitaxel) vs. carbo/taxol (paclitaxel) showed a significant benefit for higher response rate in the Abraxane arm. Carboplatin was given one day every three weeks, as was taxol, and Abraxane was given every week (no break).

Abraxane Bests Taxol in Response Rate for NSCLC: What Might this Mean?


In addition to developing new agents or refining which patients should or shouldn't be given to particular patients, another way to potentially gain ground in fighting cancer is to improve the tolerability of a standard treatment in a way that either makes it more effective or reduces side effects, thereby making it possible to give higher doses.

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