Interview with Dr. Sarita Dubey on Chemo for Early Stage NSCLC


Here's an interview I did a few weeks before ASCO with Dr. Sarita Dubey, medical oncologist at the University of California at San Francisco. This podcast covers a discussion we had about her views on the role of chemotherapy for patients with resected or resectable early stage NSCLC.

Included below is a link to the audio mp3 version, a transcript, a pdf file of figures, and the video version of the podcast (with slides synchronized to the discussion).

Pre-Operative Chemotherapy as an Alternative to Post-Operative Chemo: Evidence of Stage-Dependent Survival Benefit


In contrast with post-operative chemotherapy, which has become a standard treatment approach to reduce the probability of recurrence of resected stage II and IIIA NSCLC (still pretty controversial for stage IB), pre-operative chemotherapy (also known as neoadjuvant, or induction chemotherapy) is less well studied and isn’t a typical approach.

Pre-operative Chemotherapy for Early Stage NSCLC?


Over the last several years, chemotherapy after surgery has become the standard strategy for improving survival compared to surgery alone, at least for stage II and IIIA patients who don't have mediastinal (N2) lymph nodes involved, and it's often used also for patients with stage IB NSCLC (no lymph nodes, but a larger tumor or tumor involvement with the pleural lining around the lung). However, another approach that has been studied, albeit less so than adjuvant (post-operative) chemotherapy is neoadjuvant (pre-operative, also known as induction) chemotherapy.

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