Blood Test to Define Probability of Lung Nodule Being Cancer? Could Help, but Potential to Backfire


One of the challenges of the increased frequency of chest CT scans being done for screening of people at higher risk of lung cancer, or done more commonly for chest symptoms, is that lung nodules are very commonly found, but most the time they aren't cancer.  Most studies show that >90% of lung nodules are benign, but the majority lead to additional work-up, and in nearly 100% of cases, they cause anxiety for the patient. What if a blood test could help clarify the probability that someone doesn't have a lung cancer?

ASCO Lung Cancer Highlights, Part 6: Predicting Benefit of Chemotherapy vs. EGFR Inhibitor Therapy in Second Line by Dr. David Gerber


Dramatic benefit from EGFR inhibition in lung cancer with EGFR mutationsDr. David Gerber, University of Texas-Southwestern, reviews the results of the PROSE study of the Veristrat serum proteomics test to predict benefit of chemo or EGFR inhibitor for second line treatment of advanced lung cancer.



Dr. Pennell on Emerging Molecular Markers in NSCLC Management: Podcast Now Available


We know that many people interested in the topics we discuss in our webinars may not be able to attend the live programs, but we're committed to offering our content to people as easily as possible. Accordingly, here is the podcast version of Dr. Pennell's very well received presentation on a range of molecular markers currently being used and others emerging in clinical trials as potential tools for the coming years.

Below you'll find the audio versions of the presentation.


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