Case Discussion on Adjuvant Therapy for Stage IB NSCLC with Dr. Nasser Hanna


It's been a few months since I sat down with my friend, Dr. Nasser Hanna, a great lung cancer expert from Indiana University, and also a friend in the field. Those of you who have been following GRACE content for a while may have come across his name: he's led a few of the more important trials that are part of our current core knowledge in lung cancer now, such as the

Recent Webinar with Dr. Weiss on Potential Use of Post-Operative Tarceva Available


Here's a podcast from the webinar presentation earlier this month by our beloved Dr. Weiss, covering the open question of whether we should consider giving an EGFR inhibitor like Tarceva (erlotinib) as an adjuvant (post-operative) therapy following potentially curative surgery for early stage NSCLC. It's a setting in which there is a good rationale if we extrapolate from the setting of metastatic NSCLC, at least for patients with an EGFR mutation, but we've made incorrect presumptions before when we extrapolate.

Podcast on Current Questions, Clinical Trials in Adjuvant Therapy for Resected NSCLC


GRACE is very happy to have the opportunity to present this podcast by Dr. Heather Wakelee, medical oncologist at renowned lung cancer expert at Stanford University Cancer Center. The focus of this particular program, supported by an educational grant from GlaxoSmithKline, is on the most important research questions and clinical trials in the field of post-operative therapy for resected NSCLC.

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