Top 5 Notable Abstracts in the Small Cell Lung Cancer and Stage I-III NSCLC Track


Here are the 5 presentations at ASCO in stage I-III NSCLC and small cell lung cancer that I think are most interesting and relevant.  You'll note that several are "negative" trials -- blockbusters are hard to come by here -- but even trials that tell us what not to do are important.   And there are some hints of new approaches that could improve outcomes for patients.

First ASCO Highlights Podcast: Dr. Pinder on Small Cell, Early Stage NSCLC, and Mesothelioma


Several weeks ago, we were fortunate enough to have Dr. Mary Pinder (alternately referred to as Pinder-Schenck) from the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa join as the first of two speakers reviewing highlights in thoracic oncology from ASCO. She covered several key presentations in small cell lung cancer, early stage non-small cell lung cancer, and mesothelioma. Here's the audio and video versions of the podcast, along with the transcript and figures (a zip file to decompress, since it was too big in unzipped form to upload) for this program:


Picoplatin for SCLC: Review of Data Presented at ASCO


Here is the discussion about the study of picoplatin vs. placebo for relapsed SCLC, from the post-ASCO review that I did with Dr. Pennell. Unfortunately, this work was an overall disappointment, not quite beating placebo in a setting for which we already have a more active alternative. Here's the transcript and figures from that portion of the discussion.


Can BCL-2 inhibitors make progress in SCLC?


The development of targeted therapy drugs has improved survival for patients with NSCLC, and the “pipeline” of agents in development awaiting further testing in clinical trials seems to be increasing by the day. The improvements in survival in particular subpopulations of patients with NSCLC inspires both patients and physicians who treat lung cancer to hope that similar gains may be made, perhaps incrementally, for patients in all subpopulations of NSCLC.

Interview with Dr. Toni Wozniak, Covering SCLC Basics


I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Toni Wozniak, Moedical Oncologist and lung cancer expert at the Barbara A. Karmanos Cancer Center at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. We covered several topics, including SCLC, the subject of this podcast. It is an audio interview but includes a few figures that are synchronized with the audio on the video version, or you can download the pdf of the figures and just follow along with the audio.


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