Why is Chemotherapy a Recommended Part of the Treatment Plan for Most Patients with Lung Cancer, even Early Stage?


Here's a brief video just discussing the rationale for why a systemic treatment like chemotherapy is recommended not only as the cornerstone of treatment for advanced lung cancers, which makes intuitive sense, but also for the majority of patients with earlier stages of lung cancer as well.


I hope it's helpful.

The ChEST Trial: Pre-Operative Chemotherapy Looks Great, But That Ship May Have Already Sailed


We've covered the potential value of systemic therapy for early stage NSCLC in a wide range of posts and podcasts, and to summarize what we've learned in a sentence, it's basically that chemotherapy can significantly increase progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in patients who have undergone curative surgery for stage I-III NSCLC, but the benefit is far more convincing in patients with a high enough risk to justify the potential adverse effects of chemotherapy.

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