Combating Nicotine Addiction with a Vaccine


Imagine that you're a longtime smoker who is well aware of the health risks of smoking, not only in terms of lung cancer but also other cancers, heart disease, and other illnesses. You want to quit smoking, and perhaps you've tried several times, even trying Chantix, the nicotine patch, and other techniques. But in the end, it's been hard to kick the pleasurable sensation of cigarettes. What if you could just remove that?

MAGE-A3 as a Vaccine Target in NSCLC


One of the more intriguing presentations at ASCO this year was the one in which a novel vaccine against a protein called MAGE-A3 was tested in patients who underwent surgery and then received the vaccine post-operatively. What is MAGE-A3? It's a nearly tumor-specific antigen, which means that it's a protein seen almost exclusively on cancer cells, including lung cancer, head & neck, bladder, and melanomas.

Stimuvax Vaccine Approach in NSCLC: Renewed Hope for Immunotherapy


Immune-based approaches in lung cancer tend to generate significant buzz among patients and the general public, as well as in the media, but not as much optimism within the oncology world. Much of that is for good reason: while the concept of a minimally toxic, long-lasting anti-cancer approach like a vaccine is very appealing to all of us, oncologists have seen many hyped immune-based therapies deliver far less than their promise. This is for several reasons.

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