preventive Brain radiation in patient who also has MS - 1253443


I have just completed 6 rounds of chemotherapy for extensive small cell lung cancer. My providers now want to do radiation as a preventive measure for brain mets. I also have multiple sclerosis and have read a few articles that are making me not wanting to commit. Do you have any information on this?
Thanks you



Hello lauralaundrie, I'm very sorry to know you are facing such a difficult situation.
Your question is such a very specific one I don't know that any of our doctors would have a clear message for you. I wonder if you've asked your radiation oncologist to speak with your doctor who treats your MS about the greater possibilities of doing more harm than good with PCI.

I will ask Dr. West to take a look at your post to see what he thinks.
Edit to say, I have asked Dr. Loiselle to comment.

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dr loiselle
Posts: 37

You have a very good question and a very reasonable concern. In patients treated with brain radiation that also have MS, brain toxicity rates have been higher, though in general, the radiation has not made the MS worse. The Mayo clinic has published a number of patient series examining this question in recent years.

Among patients with MS and small cell lung cancer, I would consider close surveillance as opposed to preventative treatment, though it depends on the MS history: type of symptoms, phase of disease, etc. Patients with small cell lung cancer will remain at high risk of brain metastases, and if any do appear, I would likely strongly favor whole brain radiation treatment at that time.

This is not medical advice - please discuss with your physicians.

I hope that helps.

Dr Loiselle