lucin secreting desmoplastic adenocarcenoma with metastatic deposits - 1257738


My mother aged 57 underwent Whipple procedure on 28 june and recovering. biopsy report revealed moderately differenciated demoplastic adenocarcinoma in bile duct including surroundings of pancreas head and pancreatic duct. Metastatic deposits are also seen in 2 out of 6 peripsncreatic lymph nodes and 4 out of 6 pancreatic dudenal lymph nodes. Please suggest further treatment and life expectancy after treatment.
Stage: Pt3 pn1

Amit Goyal


Dr West
Posts: 4735

There are several summary pieces here that address these issues on the pancreatic cancer part of the website:

Your question reminded me that we're overdue in delivering a few additional pieces on pancreatic cancer, so I'll ask if you can check the resources up on that link now, and I'll pledge to add another program or two in the next few days that will help address some of these specific issues.

Beyond those programs, however, we can't speak to specific prognosis or treatment recommendation issues for another person who isn't our patient. It's very appropriate to ask these questions of her own doctor, who should be able to address them in more specific terms beyond our general discussion of the leading considerations.

Good luck.

-Dr. West