Oral thrush - 1258493


My Mom appears to have just recently a case of oral thrush. I took a small but bright LED light & compared it to pictures of oral thrush on med sites. Also her throat is tender... she is on steroids and starting to taper off. She is still recovering from treatment plan side effects... one of which is severe esophagitis.... what are the steps/medicines that need to be taken to stop this oral thrush? Are there any home remedies one can do? Thank you.


Dr West
Posts: 4735

Usually the treatment is something like an antifungal suspension, called nystatin, which can be swished and spit or swallowed several times per day, or oral troches called mycelex that can be taken several times per day, or else an oral antifungal pill, most often one called diflucan. These should be readily available through her doctor -- thrush is pretty common in people on steroids for one reason or another.

Some people routinely give antifungal medicines during chemo and concurrent chest irradiation to prevent an esophageal fungal infection called esophageal candidiasis (essentially, thrush extending down the esophagus). That's not routine, though, and in fact I'd say that only a minority of doctors give anti-fungal medicines prophylatically in this setting.

Good luck...it's a very fixable problem.

-Dr. West

double trouble
Posts: 573

On the home remedy side, I have found that warm salt water rinses, several times a day, plus changing out my toothbrush for a new one often is all I need to do. I take an oral steroid, plus an inhaled one, and am also on a long term antibiotic so I have little flare ups from time to time. So far it has been very manageable.

Eating yogurt is said to help as well. Good luck. Just try to catch it early .