Small Pleural Effusion - 1259385


Do all pleural effusions start as small ones?
Can radiation and chemo cause a pleural effusion to be discovered six months after treatment and NOT immediately after treatment, or would it be more likely from disease progression?
Can it be determined where a pleural effusion is coming from and then that area be treated with radiation?


Posts: 2753

Hi koal,

Pleural effusions have various causes not related to cancer. As Dr. West stated in his Introduction to Pleural Effusions (worth reading if you haven't seen it previously): "Not all pleural effusions in the world are from cancer, and in fact, it’s probably just under half, with the balance being from infections and inflammatory reactions." - If the effusion is drained, it can be tested for the presence of cancer cells, although as Dr. West points out in his Introduction that testing is not always determinative. The presence of a pleural effusion is not reliable evidence of cancer progression.

If a pleural effusion is caused by cancer, it is an indication that tumor cells have circulated into the blood stream; they do not come from a specific tumor location that can be radiated. In such a situation, systemic treatment (chemo or a targeted agent) is appropriate to attempt to kill cancer cells wherever they may be found in the body. If the effusion is causing symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest pain, draining it can provide relief.

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Dr West
Posts: 4735

I agree with all that Jim has relayed. To clarify one other point, radiation isn't a treatment for a malignant pleural effusion or really a pleural effusion from any cause.

-Dr. West

Posts: 29

If a "small" pleural effusion discovered by PET Scan is "left alone", are you possibly letting disease progression go untreated?

Dr West
Posts: 4735

I would not consider that as clinically significant progression, especially if it isn't clear that it is from cancer, and also if it isn't symptomatic.

-Dr. West