Pain after treatments - 1261321


I have stage 3 lung cancer and tumor is in right lower lobe. I have completed 30 radation treatments and 4 treatments of Chemo. It has gone from 8 to 2. I still hurt on my right side and especially when I lay down it feels like someone has stuck their hands in there are trying to pull the tumor out.

Is this normal. I have told both my oncologist and radiologist and they just blow me off.



The timing of radiation makes a difference in how someone may feel. Can you let us know the timeline for context?


Dr West
Posts: 4735

After radiation or chemo/radiation together, it's common for there to be scarring internally, which is really a tightening of the tissue that was treated. Just like a skin burn is tighter than the surrounding skin, the same thing happens internally, and it's pretty common for people to feel the shifting of tissue and tightening as the residual tissue scars down.

Good luck.

-Dr. West