please help - 1262322


i am 24 years old healthy male...i have been smoking from past 6-7 years but about only 2 cigg. a day...from past 15 days i am experiencing pain in my upper back right side...a specific point between my scapula and spine aches when i touch it and heaviness in my right ribs...else pain is very mild and it subside with taking diclofinac and paracetamol is only felt when i touch it from finger or sneeze or cough or try to stretch n twist my other symptom..a regular gym goes but not goin after the pain started...and have quit smoking 6 days back...
can sumone young like me who smoked 2-3 cig. a day for 6-7 years get pancoast tumor or lung cancer


Posts: 2753

Hi ankur,

Welcome to GRACE. I'm sorry to hear about the pain you're experiencing. No one can say that it's not possible that you have a pancoast tumor or lung cancer, but it is very unlikely. The damage caused by cigarette smoking usually takes many years to develop into cancer.

That being said, it is always good to see your doctor and get evaluated, if for no other reason than peace of mind. And of course quitting smoking is always a good health choice.

I hope you are feeling better soon.

Forum moderator

Dr West
Posts: 4735

If it helps to put it into context, the two most common desperate pleas we receive are:

1) I have shoulder/back pain -- I'm afraid this is a Pancoast tumor! and

2) I was incidentally found to have a small lung nodule and the doctor is now suggesting a repeat scan to check if it grows. I'm afraid it's lung cancer!

As Jim said, we can't say with certainty that the findings aren't cancer, but of the probably more than 10 people in the last 10 years with the same question you've had (and I suspect the number is closer to 20), I don't think any has actually proven to have cancer. And also as Jim said, with lung cancer being exceedingly unlikely in people under 30, it would be very unlikely that your pain is from a Pancoast tumor rather than some other source. However, your own doctor is the person who would need to provide further clarification.

Good luck.

-Dr. West

Posts: 2

Thank you Dr.West and JimC for responding so fast...i m sorry to ask such a foolish question but i was a lot worried..n internet was the first choice to search..
neways thank u again...

god bless
u r doin a great work.