Tumor markers with ALK stage 4 nsclc - 1264200


I see a lot about tumor markers being followed to monitor progression in the nsclc patients but my friend who was diagnosed in March with Stage 4NSCLC has not had any. What markers are standard lay followed?


Posts: 2753

Hi stacrober2,

Actually tumor markers are not followed by many oncologists. You may want to read Dr. West's post on serum tumor markers in lung cancer, in which he says:

"The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines for NSCLC and SCLC do not have any mention of tumor markers, and they really have no standard role in management or treatment, which is why the use of them is so variable in the real world. Many experts do not consider there to be any real role for tumor markers in lung cancer. There are some very highly regarded cancer centers that as a policy never check or use tumor markers in managing lung cancer."

The full text of his post can be seen here: http://cancergrace.org/lung/2007/06/16/tumor-markers-in-lung-cancer/

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Dr West
Posts: 4735

Just to clarify that nothing has changed since this was written. There is no standard role for serum tumor markers in lung cancer. Many experts don't favor using tumor markers at all, and as often as not, we see the information seem to lead to bad decisions.

-Dr. West