Why is the cough worse - 1267312



My dad was dx with nsclc stage 3b in February 2012
He has had radio and 2 lines of chemo, last being October 2013
January 2014 showed lung collapse-no treatment given
Tumour had grown slightly but regarded as stable
September 2014 scan stable
Dad was also dx with angina in September
Dad has chosen watch and wait instead of treatment

The last few weeks dads cough has worsened, it is happening more often- it had never disappeared but did get better, now it is more constant, he has also in the last week developed nausea.

Onc appointment is January- I am so scared that the worse cough and nausea means progression and spread.

Is there other reasons the cough could get worse?



While it can be a symptom of progression there are too many reasons for a cough to try and guess why. From Dr. Harman, "Cough, believe it or not, is a reflex designed to help the body clear the airway of debris or toxins or irritants. It is stimulated by sensations in the voice box and trachea (main airway) all the way into the large airways of the lungs. It is also affected by triggers in the pericardium (the sac around the heart), the esophagus, the stomach, and the diaphragm. Unfortunately, cough can become more of a problematic symptom when it is abnormally triggered and can disrupt daily activities, including basics like breathing, sleeping, and talking. At its worst, it can cause pain both in the chest and the abdomen, headache, vomiting and other complications." http://cancergrace.org/cancer-treatments/2009/05/09/managing-cough/

More to the point, oncologists suggest getting new or worsening symptoms checked out sooner instead of later. Your dad or whomever makes his appointments can call his oncologist's office to let them know of this worsening problem. It's very possible they'll want him to move up his scan date to see if the cancer has progressed. No matter what the reason a bad cough can be debilitating so I'm sure he'd like to see it go away.

I hope all goes well,

Dr West
Posts: 4735

Worsening cough could be from any of a wide range of possibilities, including a transient infection or post-treatment inflammation (called radiation pneumonitis or chemo/radiation pneumonitis), fluid inside or outside of the lungs, or potentially recurrence of cancer. Because it could be from so many different things, some of them reversible, it would be very appropriate to contact his oncologist to see if it would be a good idea to move up the appointment.

These appointment times are given with an understanding that any new or worsening symptoms should prompt a call to the oncologist's office to potentially move follow-up to an earlier time.

Good luck.

-Dr. West

Posts: 35


I have posted recently and am so greatful for the replies.
I am hoping someone will be able to give some advice. Dads scan shows no visable progression. My dads cough has worsened over the last few months to the point it makes him quite depressed. He thinks that is what can be contributed to making him feel sick. The onc prescribed oramorph, not sure if results are instant but so far have made little difference. Does anyone have similar?
Any advice on helping dad and relief from the cough?

Thank you

Dr West
Posts: 4735

I responded on your other thread, independently offering the same link to Dr. Harman's summary (great minds think alike, I suppose).

Good luck.

-Dr. West