Is there any evidence that Green Tea Extract actually works well with Tarceva in killing cancer cells. Or should GTE be avoided when on Tarceva. Thanks in advance...dcc
Is there any evidence that Green Tea Extract actually works well with Tarceva in killing cancer cells. Or should GTE be avoided when on Tarceva. Thanks in advance...dcc
Copyright © 2021 Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education
Site by Freelock
Reply # - March 16, 2015, 02:25 PM
Dr. Walko a faculty member on
Dr. Walko a faculty member on Grace and Oncology Pharmacologist had this to say about the interaction, "I will say that green tea is known to block the common enzyme (CYP3A4) that breaks down gefitinib and so use of green tea can increase the amount of gefinitib in the body and lead to more side effects. A logical question is “how much” green tea and this is something that is not well known since different green tea extracts contain differing amounts of the substances that can block enzymes." http://cancergrace.org/topic/pleas-advise-me-thank-you-very-much/#post-…
I hope this helps,