Pleural based nodular - 1271508


I went in for a ct scan in july and have tried not to worry about it but I keep getting more worried as I am getting some symptoms (chest pain, shortness of breath, and some slight coughing).

It says this in the papers: "Pleural-based nodular focus at the right lung base measuring 7mm. This may reflect purely a pleural plaque, and close attention on follow-up studies recommended."
During all those months I never once googled pleural plaque but I did today and read about asbestos.. Now obviously I worry about the asbestos induced lung cancer.
Is it common to have a nodule based where mine is? And are they saying that it is either cancer or pleural plaque?

I just read this http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC3932573/ " Tumors of the pleura are not uncommon and diagnosis is clinched by combined imaging and clinical correlation. Malignant tumors are more common than benign tumors." Feeling like I am doomed already now. Can't believe this is happening. I read that most nodules in the lungs are benign but it appears to where they saw mine most are malignant?

Please be honest. Don't want it sugarcoated.


Posts: 2753

Hello dandelioness,

Welcome to GRACE. I am sorry that this scan finding is causing you such concern and worry, quite understandably so. Although there is the possibility that this is cancer caused by asbestos, there are other factors that must be taken into consideration. Is it likely that you've had significant exposure to asbestos in the home or workplace? If not, asbestos-related cancer is much less likely than if you had. Was is your age? If you are quite young, that also lowers your risk, as it takes many years for such cancers to develop. It would also be unusual for one small nodule to cause all the symptoms you are experiencing. Finally, as your scan report states, close follow-up is recommended, because cancer grows over time. You haven't stated whether you have a follow-up scan scheduled, but that would be advisable to see what the nodule looks like after 3-6 months or so (the interval varies among individual physicians).

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Posts: 7

I am 31 years old and non-smoker. My mother does remember us having a summer cottage where we spent a few years in total that had asbestos in it, and probably other buildings too as we have lived in buildings that were built when asbestos was in use.

They are wanting me to go in for a new scan in a month's time but I can barely function.
I first read that most lung nodules are benign but then today I worried and googled and saw that most pleural based nodules are malignant. I feel devastated however they did the CT scan over my whole abdominen and I also read most cancer in the pleural area is metastasis cancer and primary tumors in the pleural area arent that common which makes me feel a bit better.

Posts: 7

I am just thinking how can I have cancer? I mean I don't think I have cancer anywhere else in my body (part frm the suspicius mark on my little toe that I have had for about two years and it is slowly growing) and I, as far as I know, haven't been exposed to asbestos, so they must of seen wrong right? Because that's what it says when I read about cancer in the pleura that it is either due to a malignant tumor somewhere else or asbestos. And the weird skin thing I have is on my toe, how would it spread from the toe to the pleura, it just seems so unlikely.
I am worried about this but I am to the point where I just want to let go and not know. Because if it is cancer in the pleura then I dont have much time left, I have read the survival rates and I dont think I would want to ruin my last time alive if I have cancer there when the odds are so low... And worst is I have a five year old girl and just met the love of my life.

But like I said, the first ct scan should of seen the cancer, because I also read online that cancer usually spread close by so why would it spread from the toe to the pleura. Just seems so weird... The ct report said all organs look fine part from the kidney stone and the nodule.

It seems though from your last post that I have a reason to worry :( I hate worrying and my scan isnt until another month which worries the shit out of me. I just wanna know now. Or never. Thats why I am starting to feel like not taking the next scan at all and just live for the day.

Would you worry? I mean the ct scan showed no tumors on it... And as far as I know I havent been severely exposed to asbestos. But doctors still seem to think it is at least pleural plaque? Why not think it is something else? I read a number of things it can be... Like benign tumor, not common but still.
I did feel lumps between my ribs today that are sore, but I am guessing it is not dangerous because otherwise the ct scan in july would of showed that too right?


The radiologist is a doctor whose sole job is to read scans and to write reports on what he/she sees, she doesn't know anything else about you, your health or age. A tiny nodule is more likey benign than malignant. The report you quoted above states 'may represent" so I wouldn't be too devastated while waiting for follow up. It's very likely you are well. Any other symptoms you've mentioned can easily be tons of other maladies such as a cold or allergies and yes a toe isn't even an unlikely place for lung cancer to travel.

I hope you move through the next month without too much further stress but waiting is naturally a stressful proposition.

Best of luck,

Posts: 7

Thank you Janine, that made me feel a lot better. I already have a long list with diseases, mostly autoimmune so I am scared. Thank you for calming me. I appreciate you taking your time.

Posts: 7

I was fine all those months because I read about nodules in lungs are mostly benign and I thought pleural plaque meant just a shadow (I am not native English hence the confusion). Then I started googling about where mine is located and it says most nodules in the pleura are malignant. And the doctor saying "could purely be pleural plaque". So it must look like something serious as pleural plaque is quite serious too and he used the word "could purely be" as if that was the desirable.. That's why I am so scared because it's in the pleura and not the lung :(


Pleural plaques are benign and not a long term health problem plus they don't become cancerous. From, "Pleural plaques are by far the most common indication of significant exposure to asbestos. Characterized by areas of fibrous thickening on the lining of the lungs (pleura) or diaphragm, the condition typically arises 20 to 30 years after asbestos exposure. The plaques can calcify over time, but they do not cause long-term health problems."

I hope this helps put you a bit at ease.


Posts: 7

Hi, yes I have read about pleural plaques, it's just that I haven't been, as far as I know, exposed to asbestos. And the report says "may represent purely pleural plaque" which i guess they dont know if it is pleural plaque or not?

Posts: 7

Janine, is this the case with pleural nodules too? I keep reading online that most nodules in the pleura are malignant. And the dr was hoping it may be pleural plaque but like I said, I havent been exposed to asbestos. And other benign reasons for nodules in the pleura seems to be able to be ruled out.
But also metastasis cancer as my abdominen was ct scanned in july (when they found the nodule)...
And it cant be the asbestos cancer... But i read about some rare primary tumors coming in the pleura mainly from people with low immune defense such as sjögrens, hashimotos. And unfortunately I have hashimotos.
So if the dr was hoping for it to be pleural plaque but I havent been exposed, then it seems only malignant options left.. As benign tumors in the pleura is of fat character and usually big, mine is neither.

The radiologist wrote "A pleural-based nodular density is noted at the right lung base measuring approximately 7mm." and the dr wrote "Pleural-based nodular focus at the right lung base measuring 7mm. This may reflect purely a pleural plaque, and close attention on follow-up studies recommended."

The last few days I have had pain in my ribs on both side, dont know what that can be and the pain behind the collar bone/breast bone persists (I think that pain may be due to my severe stressing over this though).

Can they be wrong when they do ct scans? I mean what if its not at all a nodule or maybe its in the lung? But maybe thats just wishful thinking?


I'm really sorry but we just don't have anything to add. It's not possible for anyone to say there's nothing to worry about. Our faculty who are oncologists have expertise in treating cancers that have been diagnosed. I wish I could help you not be stressed out but the truth is it's very common for waiting to be a stressful time. Many would suggest to stay busy doing and avoid too much quite time that gives one time to imagine the worst. Please let us know how things work out; I hope it's plaque that won't cause any problems.

All best,