My wife has non small lungcancer and egfr mutation
Due to the livervalues alat 161 she had to stop. She already lowered her dose to 100 and from today to 50mg
What can we do?
My wife has non small lungcancer and egfr mutation
Due to the livervalues alat 161 she had to stop. She already lowered her dose to 100 and from today to 50mg
What can we do?
Copyright © 2021 Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education
Site by Freelock
Reply # - October 7, 2016, 11:56 AM
Hi Andreas,
Hi Andreas,
I'm so sorry your wife is having difficulty finding an appropriate dose of what I'll assume is tarceva. Unfortunately it's easy to believe tarceva is the cause of the rise in these levels and dropping the dose in hopes of lowering the blood levels it is good way to continue on tarceva. Many people are sensitive enough to tarceva to lower the dose to 50 and even 25 mg.
The following link is to tarceva's webpage on safety issues,
I hope this helps and I hope your wife does very well.