Pneumococcal Vaccines for NSCLC Patients - 1288932


As someone living with Stage 4 NSCLC with significant damage to my affected lung, I assume that I am at heightened risk for pneumonia, particularly whenever I catch a cold. Is there any reason not to get a pneumococcal vaccine? If getting vaccinated makes sense, is there a general recommendation as to which vaccine (PCV13 or PPSV23) to get? I have looked, but have not been able to find information as to whether either of these vaccines contains a live virus, which I understand is contraindicated for cancer patients. Just to add one additional wrinkle, I got a Pneumovax shot more than 20 years ago (way before my diagnosis) and am wondering what relevance, if any, that 20+ year old vaccination might have to this question.


Posts: 2753

Hi wcw,

There is a good discussion of vaccines in the context of NSCLC in this thread, where Dr. Sanborn states:

"When a patient has already completed therapy for their lung cancer, I would base my recommendations about the vaccines on the patient's age, as well as other medical conditions. Most importantly I would look at the amount of underlying lung disease, including the amount of scarring or altered anatomy left behind after treatments like surgery or radiation. If there is significantly altered anatomy, my recommendation would be stronger to receive the vaccine."

And as Dr. West states:

"We generally recommend that people immunosuppressed on chemotherapy not be vaccinated right in the middle of treatments, but rather prefer to time vaccinations to a time when they aren't significantly immunosuppressed. It's reasonable to discuss the timing of your particular treatment and the potential vaccine in question with your doctor." -

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Posts: 12

Hi Jim,

Thanks very much for your reply. I have been on continuous targeted therapy for several years, so probably would not be considered immune suppressed, but am not post-therapy, either. Would that make a difference? Also, I'm wondering if some member of the GRACE faculty has an opinion as to which of the two pneumococcal vaccines (PCV13 or PPSV23) should be given. Many thanks again.

Posts: 2753

Hi wcw,

Sorry I didn't address that question in my previous post. It's true that your targeted therapy is not particularly immunosuppressive, The choice between the two vaccines tends to be governed by age and risk factors, and there is a good summary, reviewed by the CDC, here.

I checked with a pharmacist friend, who confirmed that the pneumococcal vaccines are not live vaccines.

Forum moderator

Posts: 12

Thank you, Jim. The CDC fact sheet is very helpful. And thanks for running my question by your pharmacist friend.