JanineT GRACE Community Outreach
GRACE Community Outreach Team
There is a wealth of info in these videos with panels of specialists discussing the benefits vs side effects and how they fit into individual situations so you can be a part of the decision making.
Access to treatment and good communication with your onc is as important.
I joined GRACE as a caregiver for my husband who had a Pancoast tumor, NSCLC stage III in 2009. He had curative chemo/rads then it was believed he had a recurrence in the spine/oligometastasis that was radiated. He's 10 years out from treatment.
Reply # - February 4, 2022, 11:02 AM
New Head and Neck Videos coming soon!
Operations Director, GRACE
Keep your eye out for new Head and Neck information soon!
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Operations Director for GRACE. Have worked with cancerGRACE.org since July 2009. Became involved as a caregiver to my best friend, and quickly came to see that GRACE is filling a need in the area of cancer education.