Real Life symptoms for Pancoast Tumors - 1274426


Hello all. I just joined GRACE while trying to gather information and it seems to be a really good site.

Now my disclaimer: I know self-diagnosis is the bane of every professional here, as well as those who are dealing with real issues. I don’t want to be “that guy,” however, I have to admit my concerns are now pushing my anxiety over the edge.

I’ve read here, as well as lots of other sites, about pancoast tumors. Of course, what is out on the internet today will make people think they are dying to due a mild inflammation half the time. What I would like to know about are REAL LIFE situations and symptoms.

I’ve read all over about “pain in the shoulder” symptoms that can radiate down your arm. I would like to know how and when did you first notice something was wrong, pain intensity levels, what the pain felt like, how persistent (did it come and go), locations of the pain, breathing issues, etc.

I hate to ask this when there are so many people out there dealing with waaay worse situations that me. However, I think if I, as well as others, got real life info from those dealing with this, it may help alleviate the internet cancer anxiety.

Take care to everyone out there!


Posts: 2753

Hi anrbob,

Welcome to GRACE. I'm sorry if you are experiencing the type of shoulder and arm pain that is associated with a pancoast tumor. I have not been afflicted with such a tumor, so I can't describe symptoms from a first-person perspective, but I will try to offer some insights.

The type of shoulder/arm pain produced by a pancoast tumor is much more likely to be caused by other ailments. This is especially true for younger patients (certainly patients in their 20s and 30s) and persons without a significant smoking history. In a podcast, Dr. Vallieres describes the typical scenario reported by patients as "enormous pain around their shoulder and down their arm, sometimes some changes in their facial expression, who had, on x-ray, a tumor at the top of their lung." -… As with most cancer pain, it is unlikely to come and go or vary in intensity. Rather, it is more likely to be constant and increase in severity over time.

It's important to note that a pancoast tumor usually shows up on a chest x-ray, and certainly on a chest CT. Although I do not know your age or specific symptoms, as you stated it is often unproductive to attempt to self-diagnose based on internet searches, and as Dr. West has said:

"I think a Pancoast tumor may be the most over-internet diagnosed problem in the cancer world — at least lung cancer. It is extremely common for people vanishingly unlikely to have a Pancoast tumor to scare themselves half to death by a Dr. Google diagnosis. It is overwhelmingly likely that you do NOT have a Pancoast tumor. And while a chest x-ray is a very old technology and CT is better, a chest x-ray would be sufficient to all but prove that it ISN’T a Pancoast tumor." -…

[continued in the next post]

Posts: 2753

[continued from previous post]

I will add that I've been active on GRACE for 8 years, and the type of question you post is not uncommon. In that time, I can't think of a single case of a person who is unlikely to have a pancoast tumor and whose imaging has not revealed such a tumor but later has returned to the site to report that diagnosis. With that in mind, if you get (or already have) a chest x-ray or CT report which does not reveal a pancoast tumor, I would feel reassured and turn my attention to other possible (and less concerning) causes for your pain.

I hope you can find the diagnosis and treatment which will resolve your symptoms.

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Posts: 3

Thank you VERY much for the reply.

My background: I am 39 years old and I am a former 1 pack-day/21 year smoker. I’ve been experiencing off and on left scapula tingling/numbness/pain for several years. In addition, an area from my left armpit and above my left nipple, following underneath the edge of the pectoralis, will get an intense burning sensation that just will not go away. Recently, I’ve been getting an ache-like pain in my shoulder, elbow, wrist and middle/ring fingers. These sensations have been so bad I’ve went to the ER three times over the past 4 years due to thinking it was a heart issue (My identical twin brother had a heart attack at age 31 and my dad died at 57). During my June 2015 ER visit; I had an emergency CT performed due to blood test results (flagged for blood clot in lungs). Per the CT results and a visit to a pulmonologist, I have mild emphysema and non‐specific cystic lucencies at the left upper lobe. PFT all came back within normal ranges. I tried to ask the pulmonologist about this pain and he essentially brushed me off.

Recently, I changed pulmonologists and I am now getting another CT scan in July. Nothing was found on x-rays last week. I spoke with my new doctor and he stated since nothing showed up in the x-rays, I shouldn’t be too concerned, but a new CT scan will be able to see more. I not too for sure why he ordered one with no contrast though.

Like I previously mentioned, some of the description like shoulder pain are very arbitrary. Better descriptions such as "falling down sharp agonizing pain" or "constant dull ache that would get worse as the day progressed" would be nice.

Posts: 2753

The additional information you have provided suggests that there is an essentially zero percent chance that you have a pancoast tumor, based on your age and the fact that you have had these symptoms for several years despite nothing showing up on more than one scan. Any pancoast tumor large enough to have caused these symptoms not only would have appeared on initial scans but would by now have grown and likely metastasized.

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Posts: 636

What is sounds like to me is pinched nerves. Either in the neck or spine. Have you see an orthopedic doctor?
They'd be the first ones to deal with pain in those areas. I went through something similar and saw many doctors and had many tests. Mine was two pinched nerves in my neck. I saw a chiropractor and have had no problems since. Take care, Judy

Posts: 3

Thanks for the replies and info you have provided!

I guess I should also clarify a few things. I've had scapula numbness off and on for a few years. It would typically manifest after having a cigarette, then go away. However, at times, the left pec burning and scapula tingle would remain for a few weeks, then go away. Now, the pain, numbness and tingle is there constantly and has increased in intensity ever since when I fell off the cigarette wagon back in March this year. I stopped in May, but the pain is still here.

My rationale part of my mind figured it is not likely be a tumor, but I just wanted to get some real world comments of peoples experiences with it for comparison. JimC - What you provided about some people having “enormous pain around their shoulder and down their arm, sometimes some changes in their facial expression, who had, on x-ray, a tumor at the top of their lung" is A LOT better description that just "shoulder and/or back pain" that is so often used.

cards7up - I am getting an EMG test in July as well (after my CT scan). I've been to a neurologist last year regarding this issue, but they never got back to me for a follow up. Very frustrating.

Posts: 636

As already mentioned, cancer pain does not come and go but continues to get worse. And if this were cancer from a couple of years ago whether a pancoast or other tumor, you'd see it by now. It would have to be a good size and pressing on a nerve or other organ to cause pain. Hopefully further testing will get you answers.
Take care, Judy

Posts: 3

Hello, I have been diagnosed with Horner's syndrome, 4 weeks ago I had a Head and neck CT scan and a Chest X ray, both came back without a sign of a tumor, my doctor has said he will see me in 9 months unless I notice anything new, but in the last 2 weeks I have started to get some pain, it isn't constant and it isn't always in the same place.
I get pain on the outside of both my arms,
I get what I feel is a stiff neck both sides when I turn my head and
pain in both my thumbs,
I also get an itch, this again is in both arms
I don't know if it is because I am thinking about it or if it is an actual sign of a Pancoast tumor
I can't find anything online that tells me if symptoms are located on just one side of the body or on both.
I am a 61 year old male

Posts: 2753

Hi harryhotspur1,

Welcome to GRACE. I'm sorry that you are experiencing these symptoms, but it's extremely unlikely that they are caused by a pancoast tumor. First, you have had scans which have not revealed the presence of such a tumor, and any pancoast tumor which is causing the type of symptoms you describe is going to be imaged. In addition, a pancoast tumor that causes arm, shoulder and/or neck pain does so because it puts pressure on bodily structures near the tumor, so that wouldn't cause pain or discomfort in both arms.

Thoracic surgeon Dr. Edward Vallieres described pancoast tumors in his podcast:

"There’s a particular tumor called Pancoast tumor, or superior sulcus tumor. Pancoast was the name of a radiologist from Philadelphia who in 1932, and this is way before we had CAT scans, so this is on a plain chest x-ray, described individuals who showed up with enormous pain around their shoulder and down their arm, sometimes some changes in their facial expression, who had, on x-ray, a tumor at the top of their lung. Basically what it means is a tumor that’s not only involving the lung, but involving the structures at the top of the lung, which happen to be the ribs and the nerves that come out of your neck and go down into your arm, and also some vessels that come out. So, it’s a very busy area up here, a very tight area – there’s not a lot of room for growth there. And so that’s what these Pancoast tumors or superior sulcus tumors are — they are tumors, regular lung cancers, but it’s their location that defines that we call them that way, and the fact that they are invading these structures."

While this is not likely a pancoast tumor, new symptoms should be reported to your doctor so that he can decide whether additional follow-up is warranted.

I hope you can find an answer and get symptom relief soon.

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Posts: 3

Thank You, Jim
I am worried as you will know, but that has set my mind at rest, knowing Pancoast tumors only affect one side is a relief, I was unsure if I should be having a Chest CT scan, for too much reading online that is one disadvantage of google :roll:
I think maybe if I just relax these pains might go away
Thank you

Posts: 3

the pain continues to get worse, I have asked for a CT scan and while I wait I have another question
my first symptom started last July, would I have more symptoms 9 months down the line, would I be losing weight, would I be in severe pain or is a lung tumor a slow growing cancer
I think I'm ill my Doctor who isn't a cancer specialist thinks after reviewing my notes that this could be just a vitamin D need

Posts: 2753


I'm sorry to hear that your pain has increased. It's not possible to make a sweeping characterization about a particular instance of lung cancer. As a rule, such tumors tend to grow over time, but tgey can do so at a wide range of rates, some very slow and others quite aggressive. The same is true of symptoms.

A CT would detect or rule out a pancoast tumor, but it's not surprising that your doctors are looking for another, more likely cause for your symptoms. I hope they can find answers and solutions for you soon.

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Posts: 1


I decided to register to help these people.

To the person who was diagnosed with Horners. You are very right to be worried about a pancoast tumour. One sided facial drooping and pupil problems which is horners. Is commonly due to a pancoast tumour. I’m glad your drs checked you for one. It would be on the other side to your horners. To the person who relied to you about the pain is wrong. Horners is well known to be associated with a pancoast tumour.

To the man above. My pancoast tumour. Gosh. The pain was EXCRUCIATING. It was the kind of pain where you can’t watch tv. You can’t slee you can’t read a book. You can’t drive. Because all you’re thinking about is this excruciating pain. Mine was better in the morning and got more and more excruciating painful as the day went on. Meaning the evening and nighttime was the worst. It was like the most painful ache. I wanted to hold my arm all the time to take the pressure of my shoulder. But even doing so did nothing for the pain. I had FULL range of movement. Which put out most other shoulder problems. Like rotator cuff or pinched nerves. As soon as I saw a physio he knew h
It was a medical reason. Not a problem with the shoulder as such. I also had a face which would randomly droop. I got tested for horners and it came back normal. But with parasympathetic nervous system ocular paralysis. I eventually started to sweat one sided. Which sent me to a neurosurgeon. Who eventually diagnosed it.

I can answer any more questions

JanineT GRACE …
Posts: 684
GRACE Community Outreach Team

Hi sisqidiva, Welcome to Grace. How are you? Thank you for responding and being willing to help! We've not had many people share personal experiences about pancoast tumors and there are several differences about this type of nsclc that most people don't know. I joined Grace after searching for info on pancoast in 2009 and found the 3 article series by Dr. West on the subject. It was the best result on the web that contained pertinent expert info on the subject written specifically for laypeople, so I kept rereading until I entered the forums and I'm still here.


Gosh, I find myself searching for appropriate language sometimes when a good f, g, d, or s word would be more appropriate when describing EXCRUCIATING pain that keeps people from doing anything or finding any way not to focus on it.  Too, you mention holding your arm to take pressure off your shoulder.  These are all explanations that we should use more often because we do get so many people finding us while looking for reasons their pain moves down their arm.


My husband had a pancoast tumor that was very slow growing and wasn't pointed to it on an MRI (looking for an ortho reason for the E pain) and hid behind bone on a chest x-ray.  Usually, pancaost tumors are faster growing and would be picked up on an MRI if it's pointed at the tumor.  As you know unusual and rare are took me a while to sort out that oxymoron about cancer plus, everything DEPENDS on something else individual to that person.  And stats go out the window when focusing on the individual depends. 


What Jim said wasn't wrong, while it's not impossible to have pain down both arms and have a pancoast tumor it's even less likely that that pain would be the same on both sides.  A chest CT is the thing to catch a pancoast tumor when the pain got worse like where Harry was heading the last we heard.  There are so many things are possible and that's why it's good to have more heads in the discussion.  We like having conversations that make us all think and to especially share and add to the knowledge pile that is ever deepening sea of knowledge and experience. 


Hope to hear more,


I joined GRACE as a caregiver for my husband who had a Pancoast tumor, NSCLC stage III in 2009. He had curative chemo/rads then it was believed he had a recurrence in the spine/oligometastasis that was radiated. He's 10 years out from treatment.

Posts: 1

My husband was complaining of sciatica and rib pain on left side, Dr sent him for CT scan which showed a mass on top right of right lung. She told him he probably has lung cancer, sent him to oncologist. Well this is when the fun began the Oncologist booked him in for a PET scan, got there and he could not do it, he cannot lay on his back for more than 2 mins due to the excruciating pain. Back to oncologist who said go to ER and get a bed and then he could get scans, biopsy, port insertion all done in same place. Trouble is he is not presenting like a lung cancer patient, no cough no wheezing just pain on opposite side to where the mass is. Then they wanted to take him for MRI without sedation and told him he would only have to lay on back for 10 mins, surely he can manage that! NOOOO, they thought he was making the pain up. Also his blood pressure is not going up with pain, so they think it is all in his head. Eventually he got sedated for a biopsy which was done on his liver not his lung and a port placed. After 5 days he was discharged with no MRI, no biopsy of the lung and no idea as to what is happening next or even a diagnosis. He has an appointment with his oncologist is on Friday today is Tuesday, the pain is bad and they have given him morphine that is not stopping the pain. He is constantly confused, forgetful and I am wondering if anyone has experience of how to manage the pain. I read about Pancoast Tumor and the position of his mass and pain sounds to be a match, I did tell oncologist but she just keeps saying small cell lung Cancer. Sorry for the long ramble we are feeling scared and lost at the moment.

JanineT GRACE …
Posts: 684
GRACE Community Outreach Team

Hi barnslade, I'm so sorry your husband and you are going through this and please no apologies are necessary here. From what I gather you're saying the liver biopsy didn't capture cancer cells and they didn't want to try the mass at the top of the lung.  Perhaps seeing someone at a large academic/research cancer center would provide more experience and expertise with the type of situation your husband is in.  I wonder why the oncologist says it's sclc.  Did the liver provide that info?  Often oncologists see nodules that seem to be cancer but aren't.  If it's a pancoast tumor it would be best to see radiologists, surgeons, and med oncs who see people with that type of tumor.  Experience and access to those with experience is key. 


My husband who didn't come on vacation with me this week is at home taking care of our dog and house...had a pancoast tumor diagnosed 13 years ago and had a difficult time getting a biopsy that captured cancer cells.  I wish I'd taken him to a near by (4miles as opposed to 1 mile) center where there was a surgeon who specialized in pancoast tumors.. I didn't learn about him until he had a thoracotomy to diagnose the cancer. They cause problems when they grow into the chest wall. That's as far down that rabbit hole as I'll go though I've learned a lot about this type tumor...


And, you and he will need to be his advocate through this it's the best way to get what you need because there is always a place where you can fall through the cracks.  Let us know if you have questions and/or input on your journey.  Our discussions are helpful for us, you, and the next person who goes down this path.

All the best of luck,






I joined GRACE as a caregiver for my husband who had a Pancoast tumor, NSCLC stage III in 2009. He had curative chemo/rads then it was believed he had a recurrence in the spine/oligometastasis that was radiated. He's 10 years out from treatment.

Posts: 1

Hi, I have been experiencing a left side neck ache for a while now, I’ve had a ultrasound around that area and a whole ct head scan which all come back okay. I have been experiencing left side shoulder pain more of a ache shall I say and it has never gone away no matter what I have tried to do. I have been to the chiropractor, I’ve had a sports massage and physiotherapist to do strengthening exercises none of which has helped. This shoulder and neck problem really aches it’s like something is dying in there. There feels like so much pressure! I’m 23 and I used to smoke quite abit for 5 years I have no completely stopped. I jusmp it to possibly being a Pancoast tumour as nothing is helping the feeling I am experiencing in the left side of my shoulder and neck it really messes with my days…..

Billy jay

JanineT GRACE …
Posts: 684
GRACE Community Outreach Team

Hi Billy, I'm sorry you're going through this.  I can't say what your issue may be but it doesn't sound like a pancoast tumor. When they start hurting it gets excruciatingly bad within weeks or months.  A CT of the area would certainly pick it up.  They are normally caused by lots of smoking over many years—more years than you have.

The vast majority of pain in the shoulders, neck, arms is caused by pinched nerves in the cervical spine. 


I hope you're able to find and fix the problem soon.

Take care,


I joined GRACE as a caregiver for my husband who had a Pancoast tumor, NSCLC stage III in 2009. He had curative chemo/rads then it was believed he had a recurrence in the spine/oligometastasis that was radiated. He's 10 years out from treatment.

Posts: 1

Hi, this may be a long post so bear with me. I just want to make sure I give you all the details as this is now driving me mad and giving me crazy health anxiety.

I am M/38. I have smoked for the last 20 years or so, now in the process of quitting. I’m currently considered overweight - 6ft 2in and weigh 108kg. My weight and lifestyle has fluctuated over the years. I have been going to the gym for the last 9 months so do get cardio and Weight lifting into my routine. But have worked an office job for the last 12 years.

So, on and off for the last two years or so now I get periods (that can last for weeks or months) where I get armpit/side pains, accompanied with occasional pain in the chest tissue. In addition I get sharp stabbing pain behind my shoulder blade, usually only when lying down or when leaning back into something such as a sofa. The pain in my back is sharp and stabbing and is relieved pretty much as I move/stabdup. Slouching tends to relived the pain or taking a deep breath. As a result I sleep on my side at night and just don’t lean back into chairs too much. I have also on occasion have weird sensations in my left arm, but this is less frequent, can sometimes feel tingly from my elbow to fingers or numb like I need to stretch it. All of these pains are on the left side. The pain that I get in my left side/armput and chest tissues are often vary between a general ache to pain that specifically feels like lymph nodes (however these are never swollen), just little painful lumps.

Over the last couple of years I have been to the GP regarding this. Over which I have had 3 blood tests and two chest x rays, all have come back clear.

Most recently (about a month ago now) I got a sore throat which lasted a couple of weeks at most, so was having other weird sensations such as soreness at the very base of my throat along with what felt like pressure on that area, I later discovered that this is where your thyroid is? All these throat symptoms started to fade anyway.

Anyway about 10-12 days ago this changed gear again. I went out for a friends birthday (which involved a fair bit of alcohol, not sure it’s relevant) and the next day I have discomfort in the side of my neck (where your main node is) it initially felt like a heavy ache, this has developed into a general discomfort and also lower down if feels like a pulling/ache sensation when I swallow. I also had tenderness just above my collar bone for a few days which has now gone. I went to the GP about two weeks ago, who said my bloods were fine (full blood count) so basically I’m fine. ‘See how your neck goes as it’s probs a muscle strain.’

We now come to today and the he neck discomfort is still here. It gets worse through the day and turns to pain by the evening. Last night the pain had moved into the back of neck and was severe. This subsided as I got to sleep.

Whilst the recent neck issue has been ongoing, all my previous symptoms have come back too, the armpit pain, weird arm sensation and most importantly the back pain, my back is something I previously thought nothing of, but it’s the fact that it flares up when there is pressure on it. It’s not caused my movement so doesn’t seem feels like a deep stabbing pain from behind the shoulder blade

I put the chest/back stuff down to my weight as it can fluctuate so when I’m at my heaviest this must be the impact? Although looking at me you wouldn’t think I as overweight.

I’m just very worried and doctor Google is not my friend. I’m just super scared I have cancer. I have convinced myself of the worst and just can’t shake the thought. Specially a pan oat tumor as I have smoked so long and don’t have traditional lung cancer symptoms.

The pain I get in my side is like a 4-5/10 and the pin behind my shoulder blade when it does hurt is like a 6 or 7/10, definitely can’t stay in that position too long

If you have any follow up questions just ask

Many thanks

JanineT GRACE …
Posts: 684
GRACE Community Outreach Team

Hi Joe,

I'm sorry you're having these symptoms that are so worrying.  We can not help diagnose you.  Working with a healthcare provider who will listen to you about your symptoms and frustrations is important.  With that said it's unlikely you have a pancoast tumor and likely you have pinched nerves causing shoulder pain.  Read through our forums on others who have had similar issues.  We've discussed this quite a bit.  I hope you find relief.

Best of luck,


I joined GRACE as a caregiver for my husband who had a Pancoast tumor, NSCLC stage III in 2009. He had curative chemo/rads then it was believed he had a recurrence in the spine/oligometastasis that was radiated. He's 10 years out from treatment.

Posts: 1

Hello! I am a 20 year old female with no smoking history, other than living in a house where both parents smoked (rarely in the house). I am very worried that I have a pencoast tumor. In April, I was diagnosed with a large thyroid nodule (4-5cm) on the left side of my thyroid, which was found during a ER visit for acute chest pain on a CT scan of the chest. and I also had a chest xray. The CT scan and xray were clear of any abnormalities other than the thyroid nodule. Since then, I have been experiencing weird symptoms. I have intermittent collarbone aches on either side but mostly on the left, left neck pain, and weakness in both arms. Random sharp precise pains in my left upper arm/shoulder. Random pains down both arms, wrists, and hands, but they are more prominent on the left. Episodes of shortness of breath, sore throat, back pain, and more recently, fullness and achiness around the upper body (upper ribs, and back), with the chinese being primarily on the left side. as well as aches between the shoulder blades. And chest pain episodes. I have been experiencing headaches that are concentrated at both temples and my forehead. For a medical history, I am almost positive I have GERD. I have several of the “textbook” GERD symptoms (heartburn, bad taste in mouth, sore throat, etc). I do work in a memory care facility and have bad posture, which more than likely contributes to the back pain. I am also overweight. I also suffer from severe health anxiety. Thanks!

JanineT GRACE …
Posts: 684
GRACE Community Outreach Team

Hi Mackensie, 


I'm sorry you're suffering so.  The vast majority of people who get this rare tumor are current or former smokers and are older than 50.  Many people ask about the possibility of having a pancoast tumor though no one has returned to our forums stating they've found one.  When describing symptoms of pancoast tumors they can initially sound like a pinched nerve.  I have had problems of pinched nerves in my neck for most of my life and when my husband started having symptoms I was certain he had pinched nerves like me, until it got bad then he was diagnosed with a pancoast tumor. 

It's not likely that a CT taken 3 months ago would not show something in your lungs that would grow enough to start causing pain today. 

With all that said, it's important to have your concerns checked out.  Whatever it is you want to address it before it becomes permanent.


I hope you are feeling better soon and you find nothing to do with cancer.

Take care,


I joined GRACE as a caregiver for my husband who had a Pancoast tumor, NSCLC stage III in 2009. He had curative chemo/rads then it was believed he had a recurrence in the spine/oligometastasis that was radiated. He's 10 years out from treatment.

Posts: 1

So I would say that maybe a couple of weeks ago I started having a cough and it hasn't gone away. The cough was then accompanied by feeling out of breathe a bit too maybe a 1.5 weeks later and just this past wednesday, my right shoulder hurt out of nowhere when I went to pick up my one year old. On thursday, the following day I got out of the shower and was on my way to school when my right forearm felt hot and then numb on the radial aspect. I'll add to this that for quite a long time I've also had some discomfort fully rotating my head to the right. I can fully rotate it but not without it feeling uncomfortable. I'm 35, don't smoke or drink but have in the past but it was never something like I did daily; just a couple of times.

I decided to go to the ER the folowing day after my exam where I told them all of this in addition to telling them I had also felt (maybe around wed) that I felt a discomfort on the lower left aspect of my left lung around the spleen area. Nothing crazy but just something that felt out of the norm. Wasn't persistent (and neither was the shouler pain or tingling feeling)The shoulder paid is also only evident when I perform specific movements and it's not like I can't move the arm but there is discomfort there.

Anywho, I go to the ER and get an X-Ray of my shoulder, then get brought back for a full X-Ray f my lungs and a CT.

I was discharged and told I was ok. But when I got home and read my results it read:

"the main as well as right andleft pulmonary arteries are normal in size with no evidence of persistent intraluminal filling defect. The opacified remaining pumonary arteries show no filling defect or occlusive process. The thoracic aorta appears thin normal limits. There is no pathological mediastinal or hilar adenopathy.No pericardial effusion is present. Esphagus is unremarkable. There are several 1-2 mm pulmonary nodules most noted on the right. There isno evidence of acute consoidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Within the upper abdomen, no acute findings are demonstrated. No acute bony abnormalities are demonstrated."

That was what the CT scan results read.

Obviously worried about the nodules I contacted other doctors that I know and 2 of them said that it seems like it'sbenign and nothing to worry about and just get a follow-up in 6 months. But I'm really worried because I don't know if it' me being in my head now but now I feel my left shoulder kind of hurting in specific ranges of motion and the right lower lung also having a discomfort just like I did with me left. It feels almost just like a pulse if that makes sense. But hoping to get some insight here. Thank you

I have more labs too if needed.

JanineT GRACE …
Posts: 684
GRACE Community Outreach Team

Hi and welcome.  I'm sorry you're so worried about this.  We or any other entity on the web can give advice or interpret scan reports. 

It's very common for people with nerve pain from a shoulder or vertebra to worry about pancoast tumors. The initial pain is very similar though pancoast tumor pain is relentless and only gets worse and typically is on one side or the other.  By the time you have pain from this type of tumor, it is readily seen on a CT. 

1 and 2 mm nodules are typical benign findings and don't cause symptoms. 

I hope you can find results for the pain; often physical therapy or the like is sufficient. 

Take care,


I joined GRACE as a caregiver for my husband who had a Pancoast tumor, NSCLC stage III in 2009. He had curative chemo/rads then it was believed he had a recurrence in the spine/oligometastasis that was radiated. He's 10 years out from treatment.