How is progression determined? - 1245067


my wife (mCRC to liver) finished 12 treatments (FOLFOX6/avastain) on June 5th

CEA values, rounded:

mid-March - 520 mid-April - 500 mid-May - 540 5-June - end of treatment 6-July - 640

10-July - Avastin started

what, in combination with CEA would be used to conclude progression has started? seems to me that CEA rise is significant, especially as her values are still very eleveated at end of treatment


Dr West
Posts: 4735

CEA levels are more established in colorectal cancer than in lung cancer to signify the status of the disease, but I am pretty sure that progression on a CT scan (or possibly other imaging study, but usually CT) would be needed to really say anything definite about progression. At this time, we don't have faculty members with a primary focus on colon or GI cancers, so unfortunately we really can't offer an expert opinion to speak to your question.

Good luck.

-Dr. West