Dr West was asking on another thread for suggestions for the excellent FAQs section. It's very very useful and can be found here:
My top five are the Primer on Pet Scans, "Does Sugar Feed Cancer?", the one about Tarceva rash, the "Why can't my stage IV cancer be surgically removed?" answer, and "What to expect when someone is dying".
- SPNs ("My scan showed a nodule on my lung. Do I have cancer?") We have lots of great posts on this, so maybe some of that content could be boiled-down and merged. People asking this question are usually in a high state of anxiety, so can't be expected to absorb too much detail.
- Second opinions ("When should I get a second opinion"?) Dr Weiss's post on this is so good and so often cited that perhaps a link to that would suffice.
- Brief description of hospice ("What is hospice and how can it help me?"). This could be under "Cancer Support", along with the "What to expect when someone is dying" post. Could link to one of Dr Harman's briefings.
I'm sure others will have ideas.
FAQs - 1246211
certain spring
Reply # - August 1, 2012, 11:20 AM
Reply To: FAQs
I also think one on "I've responded to my targeted therapy for 12 months, but now the cancer is starting to grow. What should I do now?" is one to cover.
Perhaps also, "My scan report describes changes in the bones. What do they mean? Is my cancer progressing or responding to treatment?".
Keep suggestions coming.
-Dr. West
Reply # - August 1, 2012, 11:25 AM
Reply To: FAQs
Yes to all of those ideas!