Stars are lining up for telemedicine - 1247392


Read in GRACE about the desires to have access to leading doctors and yet physically a good distance away. Thought I share an article I just read about telemedicine. It appears that the stars are lining up (e.g. broadband availability, the technology costs coming way down, insurance companies less resistance) steadily.…


Dr West
Posts: 4735

I'm within weeks away from launching a service and will be interested in getting some beta testers to do a consult with me. These first few beta testers will be not as a paid service but just for feedback (and hoping to get some favorable testimonials) in exchange for a consultation.

-Dr. West

Posts: 204

Dr. West,

Once you have that set up officially, you can create a link to Teleconsulton on this site. I am sure you will get a lot of referrals. what do you need to be a beta tester?


Dr West
Posts: 4735

You need a pretty good internet connection (if you're using AOL dial-up, that won't work), a webcam, and an issue or issues that can be covered by reviewing a relatively limited amount of material (<50 pages of records, a scan or two) over a 30 minute period. And a willingness to share feedback on the experience.

-Dr. West

Dr West
Posts: 4735

Ah, no. Sorry, but this just for consultation, with an intent/limitation that people will continue to have their care administered locally. It's not possible right now to have a clinical trial administered remotely, via telemedicine.

-Dr. West