May I ask if EGFR Inhibitors that retard the growth of fingernails could similarly inhibit the growth mechanism of the gum, causing it to recede and weaken the dental structure? Thank you in advance for any comment.
Reply # - October 12, 2012, 02:23 PM
Reply To: Receding Gum
I've not heard of that specific symptom, but I imagine possible. Definitely a plausible connection. I wonder if anyone else on a prolonged course of EGFR TKI therapy has noted this.
-Dr. West
Reply # - October 14, 2012, 05:43 AM
Reply To: Receding Gum
Not so far! But to be honest, nothing would surprise me.
I have to struggle sometimes to remember that things can happen independently of the Tarceva. But I believe it to be so:)
NJ, hope your wife is doing well otherwise.
Reply # - October 15, 2012, 07:26 AM
Reply To: Receding Gum
Thanks to Dr. West for providing the expert opinion.
Thanks to CS for sharing personal experience and asking. My wife's condition is stable except that she seems to suffer from several less common side effects lately. I realized belatedly that Ciprofloxacin she took for Urinary Track Infection is a CYP3A4 inhibitor that interacts with Iressa, causing severe constipation that led to hemorrhoid and surgery. More regrettable was the Surgeon unknowingly prescribed additional Ciprofloxacin post surgery which led to worsening problem that prompted me to conclude that the medication could be the culprit and she recovered after stopping this antibiotics midway. Now she has dental pain due to gum erosion and blurr vision and tearing in the eyes. However what is more heavily bearing on us now is the anxiety over the next scan in December which is post 1 year of Iressa (around the median point of PFS data). Hope for the best.