Help Needed: Research to Understand the Social Psychology of Lung Cancer - 1248987


Genentech and the leading lung cancer advocacy groups are studying the social psychology of lung cancer. Help with this important research and take a 10-minute test to help uncover hidden perceptions about this disease:



Sorry Cosmo, That is an interesting thought that those who are being treated probably can't give a thorough go at the test. I imagine the testers could miss an awful lot of good input and maybe even get some inaccuracies in results because of it. Of course I'm guessing at that.

I don't really know much about psychological test design but it does appear very good. In fact it comes from researchers at Harvard and U of Virginia in development since 1998. I hope others will find the time to take it. It seems each year lung cancer advocates get closer at finding the spotlight we need to draw attention to the direr inequalities of funding not the mention the shame that I'm told often comes with the diagnosis.

Take It,

Posts: 37

OK I did it again as I am always willing to help in lung cancer surveys as I feel it does need a bit of a push on awareness

But this time I wrote down the keys either I or E you have to hit on the series of images though I could not see the link with having pictures of food and drink and presumed it was juts as they said a practice test
(they tell you to hit either breast & eating images or lung and drinking images and then they change the keys around and later either breast ora good word lung or a bad word and also again reverse the keys

I went along and clicked the images that they asked for and then answered a few Qs at the end

it said that my results reflect no difference in association between lung cancer and bad vs lung cancer and good and that they reflect a moderate association between lung cancer and drinking

I think this test is in the first parts more a brain test remembering what key to hit when you see an image of either breast or lung or food or drink and fail to see what good it will do at all, perhaps I took it too literal ?

would be interested in hearing from others here on Grace who have done the test and their opinion

Posts: 69

I did the test out of curiosity and my results weren't surprising

1. Your results reflect a slight association between Lung Cancer and Despair.
2. Your results reflect no difference in association between Lung Cancer and Eating vs. Lung Cancer and Drinking.

#1 imagine that :-?

What I would really like to see are the results of those people who have not had much contact with cancer to see how much stigma is out there. In a sense I think we on this board know too much which might skew the results. Anyway kind of interesting --mikem

Posts: 2

Thank you for participating in the research and providing your genuine feedback. The results will be available in November. I will post the findings when they are available but please don’t hesitate to continue sharing the test to help inform our ongoing research.