Four years - 1251992


It is now four years since my dx. I work 60 hours per week and I'm in good health.

My sig didn't migrate from the archived discussions, so I entered it here manually:

Stage IIIa NSCLC, adenocarcinoma, one positive N2 node, dx 12/08. Cisplatin/Alimta chemo 2/09 - 3/09 resulted in all visible cancer being completely eradicated, which was confirmed by a lobectomy 5/09. Adjuvant chemo 7/09 - 8/09. All scans to date have been clear except one in 4/10, which showed a new nodule; bx showed inflammation and no cancer, and 9/11, a new mass, after a bout of presumed pneumonia, which resolved very quickly.


Posts: 44

That's great, Elroy! Congratulations!! And thank you for sharing such a positive story.

Dr West
Posts: 4735


As long as you're happy about working 60 hours per week (!), I think that's terrific. By four years out, we become very optimistic that the cancer is extremely unlikely to return, especially if it was a higher stage cancer to start with -- since these are more likely to recur relatively early (within the first 12-18) or not at all. So congratulations!

I really find that the great news of people doing well with cancer is not only a great thing for the people celebrating a big milestone of doing well (obviously), but also for the people who are earlier on in their treatment and can see people who have made it to the other side. Statistics are of some value, but they're numbers, not people, and I think it's very helpful to have some actual stories of real people who have walked their path and done well. Your story provides great hope. Thanks for sharing it!

-Dr. West


Elroy, it's so good to hear your wonderful news! Dr. West is right there's no substitute for hearing from a member who last posted so long ago and doing so well today. Thank you so much. It truly is a New Year present.
