BAC cancer and scarring fibrosis - 1261838


Hi my mother suffered from BAC (Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma) cancer and scarring fibrosis she was deteriorating daily. she passed away last year when I was 17. Doctors in N.Ireland told us they had never seen anything like it. I am not sure where you are located but have you ever had an experience with this type of cancer along with scarring fibrosis? do you know of progress being made on it? clinical trials etc? I would appreciate any type of feedback. Thanks.


Posts: 2753


I am so sorry to hear that this terrible disease took your mother from you at such a young age. Several people I know lost a parent in similar circumstances, and I have seen how difficult it has been for them. I hope you are receiving good support from family and friends.

Fibrosis in BAC patients is not at all uncommon, so I'm not sure why her doctors saw it as so unusual. Perhaps they do not treat many BAC patients. BAC can be quite indolent, but in other cases it progresses rapidly. Dr. West has written an excellent primer on BAC:

Take care,

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Dr West
Posts: 4735

I'm sorry your mother had to deal with lung cancer in any form. I'd have to say that not only is BAC pretty uncommon, it's also extremely variable. I probably see more of it than almost anyone, and I still see lots of patients with unique versions of the disease. Perhaps the only difference between me and your mother's doctors is that I've come to expect a very wide range of patterns from BAC that are very different from most other kinds of lung cancer.

-Dr. West

Dr West
Posts: 4735

I'm sorry your mother had to deal with lung cancer in any form. I'd have to say that not only is BAC pretty uncommon, it's also extremely variable. I probably see more of it than almost anyone, and I still see lots of patients with unique versions of the disease. Perhaps the only difference between me and your mother's doctors is that I've come to expect a very wide range of patterns from BAC that are very different from most other kinds of lung cancer.

-Dr. West