Brief video on my changing perspective on molecular testing in NSCLC - 1251924

Dr West

For those who might be interested, I wanted to highlight a brief video I just did, discussing my evolving perspective on molecular testing in lung cancer. As I test more patients, my experiences and the yield of testing are shaping my views going forward, and I think this is appropriate when so much of what we think we know is actually predicated on very small numbers and very limited clinical experience. The world of molecular oncology is changing so quickly that I think the only real mistake is to become entrenched in a mindset that is doesn't allow us to step back and re-evaluate based on new information coming in.

Here's the link to the post and video:…

As always, I'd welcome your input in this thread and/or as a comment on the post itself.

-Dr. West


certain spring
Posts: 762

A must-read/must-see, which I had missed because of Xmas and moving house. I have posted in the Comments, where there is an interesting exchange about driver mutations.
Dr West, I take my hat off to you for being flexible and open-minded enough to revise your opinion on the basis of new evidence. You once accused me of bias and I plead guilty to that; but I only get to argue because I am still alive, and I am only alive because of molecular testing. It would be wonderful if other unorthodox candidates for targeted therapies could in the future get the chance that I have had.