Clovis 1686 doing great!! - 1270579


I just had my CT scan for my 15th cycle of Clovis 1686. Everything is stable! I now get scanned every nine weeks, and this is the second stable scan I've had. So that is 18 weeks of stable cancer (or scar tissue?). My math may be off, but I don't care – things are stable!

I have been able to manage side effects. I try to control the diarrhea with diet. My acupuncturist wants me to take probiotics, but I keep forgetting. The muscle cramps do not seem to respond to Flexeril, so I figure I'm jumping out of bed with hot flashes anyway, so I'll just jump out of bed with leg cramps. That counts as exercise, right?

Speaking of exercise, once the Florida summer cools down a little bit, I'm going to try to be better about taking walks. Right now I'm doing it in the evening I'm at mosquito time. Ouch.

I have not had an issue with rashes. I keep filling out questionnaires asking if a rash has prevented me from doing all this stuff, but I have not had an issue. I did notice that when I was up north for vacation in June, that I did develop a few patchy rashes. Maybe the Florida humidity is really good for my skin or something because once I got home they disappeared within a few days.

Let's just keep hoping and praying that the Clovis 1686 will continue to work for another year, or two, or 10!
I do miss the eyelashes that I had with Tarceva, but I'm glad that I'm no longer dealing with the Tarceva rash. I am perfectly happy with the Clovis 1686 for another looooong time.

Thank you doctors and scientists!

Maria Bernhardt

PS. Dr. Mekhail says hello to you Dr. West.



Hi Maria,

Congratulations! It's great to hear you're doing so well. I love your sense of humor and appreciate your thought process on the rash. I'm in Alabama and the humidity keeps my skin much smoother in the sweltering heat. As I write this my husband opened the front and back doors to get some fresh air circulating, it's raining the the temp dropped to 80.

Hoping the clovis 1686 continues to work for a long long time.


Posts: 1

Rociletinib (CO-1686) is a novel, oral, targeted covalent (irreversible) inhibitor of the cancer-causing mutant forms of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) currently being studied for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Rociletinib was designed to selectively target both the initial activating EGFR mutations and the dominant acquired T790M resistance mutation, while sparing wild-type, or normal EGFR at anticipated therapeutic doses, with an improved toxicity profile. Accordingly, it has the potential to be a first-line treatment in NSCLC patients with activating EGFR mutations and a second or later-line treatment in NSCLC patients who become resistant to EGFR-directed therapy due to the emergence of the T790M secondary mutation.