Neulasta and PET scans - 1266578


Non-Hodgkins lymphoma on R-CHOP +Neulasta, q3w, 3 down, 3 to go

My Neulasta pain starts about 6 days after treatment. The last bout was the day before my second PET scan. Can the painful side effects of Neulasta adversely affect the results of the PET scan?


Posts: 2753

Hi drcarl,

It can be possible for the effects of the Neulasta to appear as diffuse activity on the PET, but let the PET technician know that you recently had Neulasta, and there shouldn't be a problem mistaking it for the effects of cancer.

Forum moderator

Dr West
Posts: 4735

Exactly. You can see the effect of neulasta on the bone marrow (independent of the pain) on a PET scan, but it is not uncommon and typically recognized as such.

Many people have observed that a daily Claritin in the days after Neulasta can help with the pain. Of course, regular pain medication, ranging from ibuprofen or tylenol to an opioid like oxycodone.

Good luck.

-Dr. West