Update to Good News! - 1242882


Though neither of us has been active on GRACE recently, we thought some of our friends here might be interested in an update to our story, about which we originally posted here: http://cancergrace.org/forums/index.php?topic=11426.0

Since that post at the end of January, our relationship has continued to develop, and a week ago we picked up, and I placed on Lisa's finger, a diamond ring. We don't have any current plans for anything more official, but it does represent our intention and commitment to spend the rest of our lives together. Currently Jim lives in Chicago and Lisa in Dayton, but we have rented a house together in Miamisburg, Ohio in which we have been spending weekends and to which Lisa will move soon. As soon as Jim sells his house in Chicago he will move there permanently as well.

Thank you again Dr. West and GRACE!

Lisa and Jim
(marisa93 and JimC)


Posts: 161

Operations Director, GRACE


What a very lovely development to your life stories. congratulations!

Operations Director for GRACE. Have worked with cancerGRACE.org since July 2009.  Became involved as a caregiver to my best friend, and quickly came to see that GRACE is filling a need in the area of cancer education. 

Posts: 58

Jim and Lisa,

Thank you for thinking of us and sharing this wonderful news.

Wishing you many, many beautiful healthy years together.

God bless,

Posts: 14

That is so awesome, I am so happy to hear you are doing well.....we all miss your involvement with Grace, but I am so happy that you are living your life, and moving on in pure happiness with your new love. I love happy endings!

Thanks for all your wise words, and support!

Posts: 4

Congratulations to you both. After all the two of you have indured it is so so so good to hear that you have both found happiness in eachother. I am so happy for you both.