Lung Cancer Video Library - Multiplex Testing for Rare Mutations: What Are the Potential Benefits?



More and more, when people are doing molecular testing on their tumor, they’re not just getting one test and if it’s negative doing another test — that’s called sequential testing, they’re doing lots of tests at the same time — that’s called multiplex testing. There are certain good things about that and certain things which are less than good.

Lung Cancer Video Library - Zoledronate or Denosumab for Lung Cancer with Bone Metastases



One of the important points about patients with advanced lung cancer is that 30-40% of patients will develop bone metastases. I think it’s important to recognize this is not bone cancer, this is lung cancer that’s moved to the bone, and in 30-40% of patients at some point who have advanced stage lung cancer, they will develop bone metastases. The question is: how do you manage these patients?

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